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From Control to Surrender: A Journey Towards Inner Peace

Imagine waking up each day feeling calm, centered, and in harmony with your body and mind. Wouldn’t it be liberating to release the constant pressure to control every aspect of your life? For many of us, the relentless pursuit of perfection has become a familiar pattern. We strive for the ideal body, the perfect career, and harmonious relationships, often at the expense of our well-being.

This past month, a recurring theme has emerged among my friends, family, and clients: the overwhelming desire to be in control. It’s a common struggle that can leave us feeling exhausted, anxious, and disconnected from our true selves. Let’s explore the roots of this compulsion, the toll it takes on our physical and emotional health, and the transformative power of surrender.

The Illusion of Control

We often live under the illusion that we are in complete control of our lives. We meticulously plan our days, set goals, and strive for perfection, believing these actions will shield us from life’s inevitable uncertainties. However, this relentless pursuit of control can be exhausting and ultimately counterproductive.

At the heart of this illusion lies fear: fear of the unknown, failure, and rejection. It’s a protective mechanism our minds develop to cope with uncertainty. Perhaps there was a time when you felt powerless, vowing never to repeat that experience.

This need for control manifests in various ways. We might find ourselves micromanaging relationships, finances, and tasks or obsessing over achieving the perfect body image. While these behaviors may seem harmless, they often lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Let’s explore common areas where this illusion manifests:

  • Relationships: Do you find yourself trying to control the outcome of interactions?
  • Work: Are you a perfectionist struggling to delegate tasks or say no?
  • Health: Do you feel pressured to maintain a specific body image or adhere to rigid diets and exercise plans?

Recognizing these control patterns is crucial to understanding their impact on our well-being.

The Benefits of Surrender

While the illusion of control may offer a temporary sense of security, it ultimately limits our growth and happiness. By surrendering to the ebb and flow of life, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and profound transformation. Listed below are a few benefits of surrender:

  • Reduced Stress
  • Increased Resilience
  • Deeper Connections
  • Spiritual Growth 

My Personal Journey

For years, I was a prisoner of my own need for control. I micromanaged my schedule, obsessed over my diet, and pushed my body beyond its limits. But despite my efforts, I felt a growing sense of dissatisfaction and burnout. It wasn’t until I began to let go of control that I discovered a deeper sense of peace and well-being.

One turning point came during a particularly stressful period in my life at the end of 2022. Overwhelmed by work, family responsibilities, and health challenges, I found myself at a crossroads. Instead of clinging to control, I allowed myself to fully experience the emotional turmoil – the rage and sadness that consumed me. Journaling became an outlet, and seeking support from a trusted friend provided invaluable relief.

I turned to yogaReiki, and nature for solace, incorporating a mindful practice of detached self-observation. By stepping back and surrendering to the storm within, I gradually cultivated a sense of inner calm.

As I surrendered more and more to life’s flow, positive transformations began to unfold. A higher-paying job opportunity presented itself, and I took the leap of faith to purchase a new car from the dealership. My relationships improved, my health thrived, and a renewed sense of purpose ignited within me. It felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted, allowing me to embrace life with newfound joy and freedom.

A Body in Revolt

A recent pivotal moment in my journey came after a particularly challenging vacation. My body, already burdened by hyperthyroidism, rebelled with hives, a lymph node infection, weight gain, and digestive issues. Overwhelmed by frustration and anger, a part of my Spirit loathed being in this physical body. I heard a voice say, “I have so much to give and to offer the world yet I feel confined and trapped to these physical limitations.” I cried and processed the anger towards myself.

Yet, through the fog of resentment, I placed one hand on my heart and the other on my belly, and a profound realization emerged. 

“Thank you body!”

“Even after experiencing childhood sexual trauma, alcohol abuse, and self-abuse, you continued to breathe, fight, and experience life. You’ve given birth to 2 daughters. You can still walk, talk, hear, smell, taste, see, and feel. You’re breaking out in hives because you are telling me what I can and cannot eat. Your physical body is in pain because you are telling me that I have overdone it for so long, you’ve endured so much suffering and you simply want love. I’m sorry! Please forgive me! I love you!”

My body was not my enemy, but a vessel carrying a lifetime of experiences and carrying out essential functions. With a shift in perspective, I began to listen to its needs. I apologized for the neglect and promised to nurture it with love and care.

Guided by intuition and Ayurvedic principles, I introduced bone broth, leeks, okra, lentils, and fermented foods into my diet. Within weeks, my body responded miraculously. The hives vanished, digestion improved, anxiety eased, and my thyroid goiter began to shrink. Most astonishingly, my blood pressure, which had been a persistent concern since my diagnosis 2.5 years ago, normalized.

This profound transformation was a testament to the power of surrender and the wisdom of the body. By listening to my intuition and providing my body with the nourishment it craved, I embarked on a path to healing that went far beyond physical well-being.

So here are some practical tips that you can begin to incorporate today:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular practice can help you become more aware of your thoughts and allow you to feel your emotions more deeply, making it easier to identify patterns of control.
  2. Journaling: Writing about your experiences with control can help you gain clarity and perspective.
  3. Set Realistic Expectations: Challenge perfectionist tendencies by setting achievable goals.
  4. Practice Gratitude: Focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack, can shift your perspective.
  5. Seek Support: Connect with like-minded individuals or join a support group to share experiences and receive encouragement.
  6. Physical Activity: Exercise can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.
  7. Limit Information Overload: Take breaks from social media and news to reduce overwhelm.
  8. Delegate and Say No: Learn to delegate tasks and set boundaries to prevent burnout.

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can begin to cultivate a greater sense of peace and balance.

Embracing The Inner Journey

Surrendering control is not about giving up; it’s about embracing the journey with open arm. It’s about trusting your intuition, honoring your body’s wisdom, and allowing life to unfold in its own unique way. By letting go of the relentless pursuit of perfection, we create space for authenticity, joy, and deeper connections.

Remember, the path to surrender is not always linear. There will be moments of doubt and fear, but with consistent practice, you can cultivate a greater sense of peace and resilience. Embrace the process, celebrate small victories, and be kind to yourself along the way.

Your body is a remarkable vessel, capable of incredible healing and transformation. By nurturing it with love, compassion, and intuitive care, you can unlock your full potential.

Let go of the need to control, and allow yourself to be carried by the currents of life. You may be surprised at where the journey takes you.

Ready to embark on your own surrender journey? I offer personalized holistic healing sessions designed to support your unique path. With nearly nine years of experience as a spiritual practitioner, I can help you release limiting beliefs, cultivate self-love, and connect with your inner wisdom. Book your session today and experience the transformative power of surrender.

With much love,


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My name is Erica Vargas. I am a Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher and a Psychic Medium.

I bring together newly awakened women to develop their Psychic Mediumship and Holistic Healing gifts so that they can trust in their innate abilities and stop giving their power away to others.

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